The Black Fathers Support Group
Invites our Community & all BFSG members who have shared our space, time, & energy, to join us for the
10thAnniversary Celebration 2009-2019
Saturday 28thSeptember 2019
@St.Andrews Community Centre
Brockley Rd, London, SE4-2SA
Free Entry-Donation
Smart dress:
Info: www.bfsg.org.uk
Call: 07375945591
Foods(Afrikan/Caribbean/vegan/vegetables/various drinks/health drinks/merchandise/photographs/raffles/prizes,etc.
BFSG dj vinyl selection of various genre music/plus BFSG video screening & awards.
This will be a monumental eventful day to thank all Fathers, Brothers, Families, groups and members of our community for their continual support.
Thank you from the BFSG.